Scary! Real scary! Well, honestly I never get nervous before an exam, at least never since my last engineering exam and that was quite some time back.
The mixed feelings I have today is because of an hypothetical situation, where people want me to run for the President of USA knowing very well that I am an India citizen. (There you are!!Talk of a disastrous simile..actually I'll blame a close blogger friend of mine for this! :P)
For the last few weeks or maybe close to a month, I had made up my mind that I won't put myself through any extraordinary pressure. I'll just let things go as it is and face it as it comes on the D-day of 18th November, 2007. Yeah, yeah, yeah....am talking about The exam, CAT! But, justifying my above used sucker of a simile, I am here sitting in my room all alone contemplating about the fact that people around me, who knows me, who are my friends, they have a something associated to me! It's called Expectation! Boyyy, when I have told 'em that I haven't studied enough (ok, I used enough coz, I wrote 6 of 8 SimCats! :D Thats it! ), why do they have to u-know-what!? I have been bombarded with messages, tweets, calls, what-not-ways-to-wish-me all carrying the very heavy feeling of expectation! Well friends, Thanks a lot, I love you all, yes I do! But, please don't expect a lot from me (Holistically, more so for the cracker tomorrow!). I have been suddenly put into a lot of pressure. So, basically I sat down to write this blog so that I can kool off some heated up nerves (dammit! Where were u all these days!?). I hate being in such a predicament, I just want the day to come and finish off without leaving a mark on my life. But, if it does, I'll be surprised, honestly yeah, coz at least for tomorrow I don't have much expectations from yours truly! ok...lets not leave this at such a pessimistic undertone, lets say..uhmmm..yeah..Come tomorrow..Lets KICK SOME @$$! :D