
A great day for freedom

“Get out of the house with your football and studs! Now!”
“Popsy, please! I want to study! I really want to!”
“No, Don’t you understand plain English! You go out there and practice and don’t come back before the sun sets!! Do you get me, son?!!”
“Yes, Popsy! And you are mean!” * all sad, sad!! *
// 20 years later! //
“Pop, do you think surviving in one company is possible for more than 2 months!?”
“What do ya mean?” * pretty shocked *
“I mean, it’s like I have changed 25 companies in four years. I don’t feel like working. Nothing motivates me any more! At least, my footballing career was never boring! Ahh...those days! Thanks for all that, Pop! Wouldn’t have done that without ya! Ya know!!”
“Yeah yeah I know! And ask your mom to get me the laptop! Need to write some stuffs”
“What ya Pops! You needn’t document every damn shit we speak!”
“Son, first, don’t you dare swear at me! And Second, this is no documentation! It’s called blogging!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever crap that is! Ok, am off! Divya wants to see the Moon, we’ll give a brief visit, there!”
“Ahh, ok! Be careful! There are a lot of craters there, I heard!”
“Chill Pill dad! It’s not ma first time!”
// 20 years later //
“GrandPa, wanna play NFS-Aliens Arena with me? What are you typing? Can you hear me? Hey Mr. Sounak! Heeheehee”
“Don’t you…. kaw me by my first name! And yes, I…i…can hear you…yeah..so what were you talking ab…about?”
“OldPa, oh gawddd!! Wanna kick some uhmm…wanna play ANN AFF ESS??”
“ok..ok…don..don’t shout..I can hear you! Why don’t you listen to some good music, read some good books? I still do!”
“Grandpa, gimme a break! And anyways…huh..I don’t like these X-transitic-hip-O-hop music anymore! Gimme something that’ll make me..you know…hallucinate or something! Something that’ll make me..ya know…that’ll make me fly…hee hee…something real…ya know..what I mean! Anyways, did ya ever listen to any shite? As in..some music shite? Hee hee”“Grandson! Come here! Have a seat! Wa…want some black coffee?”
“Naah, I don’t like that stuff! Ok, shoot! Am all ears!”
“Trust me, you’ll never forget this sitting! But, promise me, you’ll pass this gyan to the coming generation, Will ya?”
“Ok..ok..cut the promise shit…I can’t!...now tell me…please..fast!!!”
“ok…patient…Long long time ago, a guy, pretty cool guy you see…..“
"Like me? Hee hee”
“yeah, somewhat like ya…named Roger Keith “Syd” Barrett sat with a guitar in his hand and a friend by his side…one George Roger Waters in a studio named Abbey Roads in London…and…”


Rize said...

i ahve to read this again to comment, but the only comment now is do not use '....' :P .. haha

BigB said...

:D I somehoe get the feel that the name Divya is a bit outta place there :P.

TheGreatOne said...

@rize: During conversations, people take breaks/pauses, which are denoted by 'dots'. So, that's not incoherency, that is 'formatting'! :)

TheGreatOne said...

@bigb: why so? :)

Hey, u know what! I have the same guitar as you have! :D

BigB said...


Plis define guitar. I seriously doubt that u are talking about certain instrument :| :D :P

TheGreatOne said...

@bigb: I just commented based on ur profile pic! :-s

Ferrin B said...

lol! grandpas blogging! i guess thats what the worlds coming to. i mean, i'll probably be blogging when i'm 83 so i shouldnt really be surprised. :D

TheGreatOne said...

@ferrin: Ya shud neva stop! neva! :D